Making the most of Mini Meditations.


So this week has been really busy so I thought I would talk about mini meditations or mindful pauses. These can be anywhere between 30 seconds and 3 minutes depending on where you are and what you need. (Let’s face it when you really need it one long deep breath can help, but the longer you can focus on your breath the more difference it can make.)

You don’t have to be anywhere specific to do this. I’ve started trying to do this regularly on my commute and whenever I’m waiting for something (particularly if I’m nervous)

Just bring your attention to the breath and focus on the sensations of inhaling and exhaling. (You can close your eyes if you are comfortable with doing that, but you don’t have to.) If you get distracted just bring your attention back to the breath as you would usually.

This is also useful when I get stuck in my thoughts because it can be of switching my focus to the sensations in my body.

I can also say from experience that practising these little meditations  throughout the day can make it easier when it comes to doing more formal sitting practice, as focusing on the breath begins to happen more naturally and automatically.

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